
Propagation of Christianity

Masato Yamaguchi

Saint Ninian brought Scotland Christianity first. He made the base the Firth of Forth area along the shore, and performed propagation activities in a southern part and eastern part Scotland.
Gail people spread Christianity in PICT people, and Columba built the Iona monastery on the Iona island in Scotland. This picture is the Iona monastery.The Iona monastery is the highest status at the Celt church in medieval times.

James Ⅶ

Masato Yamaguchi

He is James Ⅶ. He is not only a Scotland king, but also he is an England king. He lost support of the England rule layer who opposed his religion policy.

This picture is the Glorious Revolution. The Glorious Revolution happened by confrontation of James Ⅶ and Parliament.


Scotland's University2

                                                                                     Yuki Mori
University of Glasgow is a one of universitys in Scotland.
It is one of the English area's oldest universities which has 500 years or more of history.
This is the elite university belonging to the Anshan University on a par with Oxford University and Cambridge University.
ファイル:University of Glasgow Gilbert Scott Building - Feb 2008.jpg

This is the National Universities of Scotland..
This university was established in 1451.
There are six Nobel prize winners of this university graduate.
ファイル:Wfm glasgow university union.jpg

Scotland’s University1

This is University of St Andrews.ファイル:St Andrews University Classics Building.jpg               Yuki Mori
This is a university which is East Coast Saint Andrews in Scotland.
ファイル:University of St Andrews Courtyard.jpg
This university was found at 1413.
This is the National Universities.
 It is the first university in Scotland. Five Nobel prize winners is produced from this school.
ファイル:St. Andrews Library.jpg

Loch Ness

Ikumi Yonezawa

It places Highlands, and it is the biggest freshwater lake in Scotland.

There is Urquhart Castle at Loch Ness's shorefront.
This castle was built in the thirteenth century, but gradually it was broken by many battles and forage.
Finally, it came down completely in the late seventeenth century.

Moreover, it is said to live Nessie in the lake.
Nessie is Loch Ness Monster and thre are many report of sightings.
But the real identity has not worked out, so its mystery is not dissolved.

Isle of Skye

Ikumi Yonezawa

Isle of Skye is the second biggest island in Scotland.

It has maountainous topography involved The Cuillin, and you can see the traditional culuture.

People who live in Isle of Skye speak Gaelic.
Moreover, most of people belong to Free Church of Scotland.

An above picture is Old Man of Storr.
This stone is known for landscape of strange stone.

And this island is famous for the song, "The Skye Boat Song".
Let's click and listen to the song!


Other cities


Shuji yoshida
Inverness is called "a capital of high orchids".

There are  Inverness castle and  a large number of churches including the St. Andrew sanctuary in this city. A fort was established by Oliver Cromwell in the Puritan Revolution  and the city became the stage of the revolt of the Jacobite of 1715.


Dundee is the Scottish fourth city.

The tourist attraction, including various museums, an art museum and interesting buildings, is a lot. In the Discovery point tourist information center, a search ship of the Royal Institution which Captain Robert Scot uses for explores the South Pole in 1901 is displayed.


Perth was a Scottish King nation's capital from the 13th century to the 15th century.

There are many art objects in this city and you can enjoy while you walk on the streets.

There are a lot of cities and towns. All of those is wonderful.



Shuji Yoshida

A city in the northeastern part of Scotland. A third city of the Scotland next to Edinburgh and Glasgow. It becomes the base of the oil drilling after the development, discovery of the North Sea oilfield as a harbor city and is called a capital of the European oil.

The Aberdeen University has the third longest history in Scotland and the long history to the fifth in the current U.K. and the English world.Therefore it produces many celebrities, and there are five Nobel Prize winners.


Scottish famous person ⑤ conclusion

Scottish famous person ⑤  conclusion
                                                                              Miyoko Matsuzaki

Hi! This time is the last that I write a blog about Scottish famous person.
I studyed a Scottish famous person by a class and I have noticed. I think that Scotland has many very splendid entertainer.

There are also those who are playing the important role in the very famous movie, and a person  whom the musical piece became so famous in all over the world.

Moreover, there are many F1 famous drivers like Colin McRae who became a world champion in 1995.

Finally, please hear a splendid song of the Susan Boyle that became the big topic in Japan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZTmbmvYSm0&feature=player_detailpage

Thank you for reading my blog!  Good-bye!

Scottish famous person ④

Scottish famous person ④
                                                                     Miyoko Matsuzaki

Hi! It is the four times in this time that I write a blog about Scottish famous person. And, I wrote blog about the forth slide.

From now on, I would like to introduce three scottish entertainer.

Firstly, KT Tanstall is singer. “Suddenly I see” which she has sung was used on the movie “The Devil wears prada.” 

Next, Katie LinLeung is Actress. She was a role of Cho Chang in “Harry potter.” Harry Potter had fallen in love with Cho Chang.

Next, Susan Boyle is Singer. She appeared on “Kouhakuutagassen”of NHK in 2009.

That's all. Thank you for reading my blog!



             Masato Yamaguchi

Charles Ⅰ was born to Dunfermline in Scotland as James I's second son.
Charles I was opposed to Parliament based on the theory of the divine right kings.
Charles's execution was pronounced by the cort on January 27, 1649.

This picture is the puritan revolution.The puritan revolution happened owing to CharlesⅠ`s  theory.


Blenheim Palace

Ikumi Yonezawa

This castle is standing on the north of England.

It is Duck and Duchess of Malborough's castle, and Winston ChurChill who is ex-British Prime Minister was born here.
It was presented as a memory of winning the battle of Blenheim by Anne Stuart.

It was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1987.

There are many big lakes and gardens, which are Formal garden, Rose garden, Italian garden, Secret garden and Water terrace.

Scotland's bacical date

                                                           Yuki Mori
Scotland's population is 5094800.
Scotland is here.

A typical city is Edinburgh , Grasgow, Inverness, Aberdeen.
In particurar, Edinburgh is capital city.
This is national flag and Scotland's soccer team 's national emblem.




Shuji Yoshida
St.Andrews is a burth place of golf. "The Chanpionship Open" is still heild in every year on old cource of St.Andrews Links. Do you know Ryo Ishikawa? He played golf in last game.

In addition, St.Andrews University is also famous. Because Prince William goes to this university, and meet the Catherine princess of the current wife; in the place that was a chance of the association.


Scottish famous person ③

Scottish famous person ③
Miyoko Matsuzaki

Hi!It is the third times in this time that I write a blog about Scottish famous person.
And I wrote blog about the third slide.

From now on, I would like to introduce four scottish famous actors.

Firstly, Sean Connery was a role of James Bond in “007”. He is the first James Bond  although many actors have so far performed  James Bond.

Next, Ian McDiarmid was a role of Palpatine emperor in “STAR WARS”.

Next, Robbie Coltrane was a role of Rubeus Hagrid in“Harry Potter”.  He plays a very important roll in all series of movie “Harry Potter” and saved a hero.

Next, Ewan MaGregor was a role of Obi-Wan Kenobi in “STAR WARS”. This  is my favorite movie above all, he is very cool and I really like him.

That's all!  Thank you for reading my blog.


Loch Lomond

Ikumi Yonezawa

This is the biggest lake in the Scotland.

There are many small islands on the lake, and Ben Lomond mountain stands on its east shore.
It was inscribed as a registered lands under the Ramsar Convention in 1976.

This lake is very famous among Scottish people, so a folk song was made from it.
The lyric is outlined below.

Oh, ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road,
And I'll be in Scotland afore ye;
But me and my true love will never meet again
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond.

Reference is The Book of World-Famous Music: Classical, Popular and Folk and Wikipedia.

Let's click and listen to this music!

Beginning of the Stewart Dynasty

                                                                                                                                   Masato Yamaguchi

                                                   This map is Medieval-times Scotrand.


                                              The Stewart family was in the status of 
                                              steward in the 14th century.
                                              When David 2 generation sank in 1371
                                              and a Blues house stopped.
                                              Robert Stewart inherited this.
                                              This time is the beggining of the Stewart



                                                                                           Yuki Mori
Kilt is the dress which the male of this country wear when they wind bagpipe.
This looks like a sirt ,
but this is not a skirt , this is a Ethnic costume !!
Next , Scot's bagpipe has the largest volume at the bagpipe in the world.
Bagpipe winder who wear kilt and have a big bagpipe looks very cool!
I want to look those winder.




Shuji Yoshida
   The city of art

   Glasgow is hometown of a certain artist.The artist's name is Mr.Mackintosh.He make some arts and established a famous art school.

   The city is also famous in Glasgow University. The university is the oldest university in Scotland



Scottish famous person ②

Scottish famous person ②
                                                                   Miyoko Matsuzaki

Hi!It is the second times in this time that I write a blog.  And, I wrote blog about the second slide.

From now on, I would like to introduce four scottish famous person. Their great achivement had a tremendous effect in the world. And, It is very useful even now.

Firstly, James Lind is Doctor in the 18th century. He did the first clinical test in the world.

Next, James Clerk Maxwell is physicist in the 19th century.Maxwell's equation is a primitive equation of electricity and magnetism.

Next, Graham Bell is an inventor of a telephone.If  this invention had not existed, mobile phone might have not existed.

Next, Alexander Fleming descovered penicilin. This autibiotic saved many people's lives.

All of four persons who mentioned above are great men. But, I like doing make a long phone call with my friends. So, I regarded Bell as the greatest person of four persons.

That's all!Thank you for reading my blog.


Scottish famous person.

Scottish famous person.
                                                                                 Miyoko Matsuzaki.

I studied a Scottish famous person by a class.
There is four parts of presentation that I wrote about a Scottish famous person.
And, I write blog about the first slide this time.


From now on, I would like to introduce four Scottish famous person.

Firstry, Adam Smith is Economist in the 18th century.
He wrote the “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
He is called the father of economics.

 Next, Walter Scotto is a poet and writer.
 His portrait was used as a bill.

Next, Arthur Conan Doyle is writer.
He wrote the Sherlock Homes series.

Next, Tony Blair is the British prime minister of the 73rd.

That's all. Thank you for reading my blog!